More than 15 years

Delta Fire is a Brazilian manufacturer company of fire prevention products that offers creative solutions to many market segments in all national territory. More than fifteen years ago was started the project of an innovated system which resulted in a paradigm shift in this sector, until then had been exclusively composed by wired systems. Delta Fire business role model has a value purpose to simplify projects, fast deadlines and security execution, more flexibility to change layouts, less maintenance cost, best finishes, less management complexity and more systems longevity deployed on our customers. 

Over a decade working on the market

more than 10.000 projects executed.

Anatel homologation and certification


Factory with standards of Industry 4.0

Service and contract of corrective and preventive maintenance

More than 400.000 products sold

ART emission

In Loco Training or Deltafire

Research and development structure

Certified installation team

Project center

Check out more about our history
The Beginning
Everything started as another successful companies: in a garage. Place where began all the researches and development
Generation 1
Launch of the first brazilian wireless fire control panel, available on the nacional market.
Delta Fire
Deltafire trademark registration.
Generation 2
The launch of Generation 2 has had a significative upgrade at the dados instructions by radio
Affiliated to Eletric and Eletronic Industry Brazilian Association (ABINEE) and member of Technical Standards Brazilian Association (ABNT)
Generation 3
The third generation brings many news at product lines and alternatives to meet market demands
São Paulo Branch
Inauguration of the branch office in São Paulo-SP, the main Delta Fire market.
Generation X
Launched the technology able to assist Retrofit projects, which is compatible with old Delta Fire systems, regardless the generation.
Industry 4.0
Deployed a new management model called Management 4.0, which prioritizes premises and pratical improvments in the Industry 4.0
Generation 4
With a new layout, the Central Modelo S has advanced technology, is configurable and easy to install. The Generation 4 product line has been enhanced to further simplify wireless fire alarm designs.
Start ISO 9001:2015 Project
Aiming at continuous improvement, the ISO 9001:2015 implementation project is started, where the scope includes all departments of the organization.
Revolution 2.0
New cycle of products and software, redesigned to meet different types of projects with quality, economy and improved design.
New Delta
Beginning of operations at the new headquarters
Entrance to ABIPCI
Joined as a founding member of the Brazilian Association of Fire Prevention Industries